Choose your ticket!
Onsite or online, there are many ways to be part of the World Employment Conference 2022!
Check our pricing offer below and select your favorite option.
Early bird deadline was Friday 29th April 2022, 10 PM CEST.
All indicated prices are excluding 21% Belgian VAT.
Join Us Onsite For the Full Experience!
Onsite WEC Member Pass
Price: €1399 (excl VAT)
This ticket includes:
Access to the Members-Only Day (capacity building workshops - 30th May)
Access to all onsite sessions of the World Employment Conference 2022
Access to the online networking breaks
Access to all features of the Conference e-platform
Members-Only walking cocktail on Monday 30th May
Lunch and coffee breaks on Tuesday 31st May
Gala dinner on Tuesday 31st May
On-demand access to the recordings of the plenary sessions
This ticket is only available for participants working for organisations that are members of the World Employment Confederation.
Conference Experience Onsite Pass
Price: €1099 (excl VAT)
This ticket includes:
Access to all onsite sessions of the World Employment Conference 2022
Access to the online networking breaks
Access to all features of the Conference e-platform
Lunch and coffee breaks on Tuesday 31st May
Gala dinner on Tuesday 31st May
On-demand access to the recordings of the plenary sessions
Can’t Make It to Brussels? Join Us Online!
Price: €240 (excl VAT)
This ticket includes:
Live and on-demand online access to the plenary sessions of the World Employment Conference 2022
Access to the online networking breaks
Access to all features of the Conference e-platform
NB: you cannot share your access. If you wish to allow multiple users to access the conference select the ‘Group e-Pass’ or buy multiple ‘e-Passes’.
e-Pass +
Price: €289 (excl VAT)
This ticket includes:
All benefits from the e-Pass
Free link to download an audiobook by one of the keynote speakers
Group e-Pass
Price: €1190 (excl VAT)
This ticket allows you to buy e-Passes for up to six participants for the price of five.
Can't make the gala dinner?
Buy our Conference Onsite Pass.
- Price: €999 (excl VAT)<\/strong><\/p>
Live onsite access to the plenary and concurrent sessions of the World Employment Conference 2022. <\/p><\/li>
Access to the online networking breaks<\/p><\/li>
Access to all features of the Conference e-platform<\/p><\/li>
Onsite lunch and coffee breaks of the World Employment Conference 2022 on Tuesday 31th May 2022<\/p><\/li>
On demand access to the recordings of the plenary sessions (until end August 2022)<\/p><\/li><\/ul>
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Can't make the gala dinner? <\/p>
Buy our Conference Onsite Pass. <\/p>", "spaceBelowSectionTitle": { "value": 70, "unit": "px" }, "sectionTitleAlignment": "left", "isSectionButtonEnabled": false, "sectionButton": { "buttonText": "Make It", "buttonLink": "#", "buttonNewWindow": false }, "sectionButtonSize": "large", "sectionButtonAlignment": "left", "spaceAboveSectionButton": { "value": 70, "unit": "px" } }" data-media-alignment="center" data-title-alignment="left" data-body-alignment="left" data-button-alignment="left" data-title-placement="left" data-body-placement="left" data-button-placement="left" data-layout-width="full" data-title-font-unit="rem" data-description-font-unit="rem" data-button-font-unit="rem" data-space-between-rows="60px" data-space-between-columns="60px" data-vertical-padding-top-value="3.3" data-vertical-padding-bottom-value="3.3" data-vertical-padding-top-unit="vmax" data-vertical-padding-bottom-unit="vmax">
Conference Onsite Pass
Price: €999 (excl VAT)
This ticket includes:
Live onsite access to the plenary and concurrent sessions of the World Employment Conference 2022.
Access to the online networking breaks
Access to all features of the Conference e-platform
Onsite lunch and coffee breaks of the World Employment Conference 2022 on Tuesday 31th May 2022
On demand access to the recordings of the plenary sessions (until end August 2022)
NB: This ticket does NOT include the gala dinner.
This ticket includes:<\/p>